

Epididymitis Symptoms - The Changes Your Body Shows





Epididymitis Symptoms - The Changes Your Body Shows

Epididymitis Symptoms - The Changes Your Body Shows

epididymitis is a condition wherein the epididymis is irritated, swollen and inflamed which results to scrotum pain and in some cases, is mislead as a testicular torsion that's why diagnosis is very important for this disease. This disease is caused by bacterial infection especially to those people who have problems in urinary tract and some causes of this disease are from gonorrhea and Chlamydia or commonly known as sexually transmitted disease. In order to define the infection as a disease, this practically shows some epididymitis symptoms.

The progression of this disease is typically slow in nature. However, epididymitis symptoms may often hit the highest point in just 24 hours. In the beginning, the patient with epididymitis may have flank or abdominal pain caused by inflammation of cells that usually starts in the vas deferens. As the inflammation fall down to the lower part of the epididymis, the patient feels discomfort confined to a small area of the scrotum. Young patients or patient with an epididymitis that is sexually transmitted may show symptoms associated with urethritis. Yet, urinary tract infection is the most common cause of epididymitis disease in older patients.

epididymitis symptoms usually develops pain in the testicle at the back portion and fever that progresses over an hour and that includes chills, pain in groin swollen and tenderness, enlargement of scrotal, sudden pain in scrotal, spermatic cord pains, trauma, sexual activity, strain, discharging of urethral and at the tip of the penis, you can feel extreme pain. These are the usual manifestations of epididymitis.

Epididymitis symptom may also occur on testicle pains, swollen orchitis which can be caused by after- removal of scrotal cyst or vasectomy and sport injury that includes lower abdominal pain and this could only be confirmed by some testicle examinations and laboratories which are conducted through ultrasound or torsion tests. This may also include blood and urine test. In some cases, symptoms may show up swollen lymph nodes and enlargement of prostate and if needed, doctor recommends urethral smear and a urologic assessment must be completed.

To prevent having epididymitis and to avoid having epididymitis symptoms that will lead into disease, you may opt to use condoms in sexual intercourse and if you are under medication, it would be best to eat fruits and laxative foods and avoid sitting in chairs that are too hard. Instead, use pads and make sure that your doctor's prescription is taken and followed completely. Symptoms are always the first signs of a disease that may be fatal in the end if not given much attention. Know your body and know the changes it has; the changes may be the symptoms of a disease you never imagine you will ever have.

Article Source: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Orchitis_Epididymitis/





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